How to apply for a place from September 2025 

(This is the normal admission round to start the academy in Reception) 

We have space for 30 children in our Reception for September 2025 


Admissions for Reception – Please apply via the Local Authority website 

If you are applying for a place in Reception starting in September 2025 you should apply before the application closing date of 15 January 2025.  Please ensure that you submit your application either in writing or online, but not by both methods. The Local Authority will contact you directly to confirm whether you have been offered a place or not. 

If you miss the deadline, you can still apply through your Local Authority however, your application will be treated as a ‘late application’.  These applications will be considered after those that were received by the deadline. Further details can be found on the Local Authority website and they will notify you directly to confirm whether you have been offered a place or not. 

If a place has been allocated at the academy, the academy Principal will contact you to provide further details of the induction process. 



How to apply for a place after the start of the academic year (in year admission) 

If you wish to apply for a place outside the normal admission round you will need to complete the In-Year Admissions Application Form available in our Admissions Policy 25-26 at Appendix 2 or contact the academy directly. 

An admissions panel will review your application and confirm whether you have been successful in securing a place or not.  If you are unsuccessful in securing a place you have the right to appeal the panel’s decision (please see section 10 of our Admissions Policy 2025-26). 



Appeals against admissions decisions 

If you wish to appeal against the decision not to admit your child to our academy you should complete the Admissions Appeals form at Appendix 1 of our Admissions Policy 2025-26 and submit it to the address specified.    

For applications made during the normal admissions round, the deadline for submitting an appeal is 20 school days after the National Offer Days which in 2025 is 16 April 2025 for Reception places.  

Appeals will be heard within 40 days of the deadline for submitting appeals. Any late applications will be heard within this timeframe if possible, or else within 30 days of the appeal being lodged.  

Once you have submitted your appeal form, we will acknowledge receipt of the form within five working days. Your appeals form will be forwarded to our admissions consultant, who will organise for an appeal hearing to be heard by an Independent Appeals Panel. On occasions when this is not possible the Local Authority will be contacted to arrange an appeal. 

The appeals hearing will take place prior to the end of the academic year for applications submitted during the normal admissions round. For in-year admissions, the hearing will take place within thirty working days of our receipt of the appeal.  You will receive at least ten working days’ notice of the appeals hearing date and additional information will be provided at this time. 

If you miss the deadline for lodging an appeal, we will try, where possible, to hear your appeal within the same timeframe as if it had been on time. However, if this is not possible, it will be heard at a later date. A decision letter should be sent to you within 5 school days of hearing where at all possible. 

Our overarching Trust Admissions Policy for 2025-26 covers all of our academies and can be found on our website. 


Admissions Policies

Admission Arrangements 2026-2027

Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Admissions Policy 2024-2025