A great big thank you to all the Eco Warrior applications that we received this year. It’s great to know that our children have high values and care about the environment around us. The children have risen to the challenge of representing Ravens Academy as the face of our valued eco-code.
We have an Eco Warrior team which comprises of two representatives elected from each class in Years 2 – 6. The team meets every half term to discuss current issues around the 9 elements and how they may be addressed in school.
Every new project undertaken at school takes environmental consequences into consideration as we try to minimize the impact on our environment.
This academic year, Ravens Academy’s Eco Warriors are working towards achieving the Green Flag Award for our school. In order to achieve this, we will need to address the following nine elements throughout the school:
- Energy
- Litter
- School grounds
- Waste minimisation
- Global perspectives
- Biodiversity
- Water
- Healthy living
To find out more about the Green Flag Award, go to: –