Ravens – At Ravens we teach, not tell…

Our vision is to ensure that pupils become successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve; confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives; responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

Values are the things that we believe are important in the way we live and work. They determine our priorities, and serve as a guide for our behaviour. Character and values are an essential part of our curriculum and need to be explicitly taught.

Our Ravens Academy Values are:

We are Respectful

We are Aspirational

We are Valiant

We are Encouraging

We are Nurturing

We are Successful

This is underpinned by our strive to be Resilient young people

Every half term one of these values is carefully considered and discussed in assemblies, in class and as part of the wider life of the school with and between pupils, parents/carers and staff. They are displayed around the school, on the website, in newsletters and provide a common understanding for all members of the community. The values are linked closely with the fundamental British Values and are taught through our curriculum.


To form supportive partnerships between pupils, staff, parents/carers, governors, other agencies and the local and wider community to enable the positive development of each learner’s academic and social skills and to prepare them well for each stage of their learning and development at Ravens Academy and their life beyond.
To create a secure, stimulating and industrious environment which fosters the development of all learners, so that they are appropriately challenged, make good or better progress and achieve their full potential.

To provide a curriculum which takes into account the differing needs, interests and levels of development and attainment of our learners and ensures that the teaching of knowledge, skills and understanding is well planned, broad, balanced, relevant, creative and values-led.
To foster a spirit of independence, intellectual enquiry and mastery of skills and understanding in all learners.
To promote positive attitudes in our school community with an emphasis on respect for oneself and others (their beliefs, culture, home background and property), self-discipline, resilience, cooperation and courtesy, enabling pupils to become good citizens in their own community and in a national and global context.
To ensure equality of opportunity for all within an inclusive environment.
Promoting British Values at Ravens Academy
It is an expectation that the social development of pupils is underpinned by ‘the acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; they develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain’ Ofsted Inspection Handbook August 2016.