Our Vision for the Curriculum
At Ravens, we inspire our children and staff to be ‘Proud to Achieve!’ Ravens is an incredible school and we believe we are all capable of so many amazing things. We believe that our children get the best deal and we inspire greatness from all.
Curriculum Intent
In our academy we aim to deliver an exciting and enriching curriculum for every pupil by providing a range of experiences through the CornerStones Maestro Curriculum. Each term the pupils focus on a theme that has been adapted to immerse them in their learning. These themes have the National Curriculum skills mapped and tracked in order to show coverage, progression and depth of knowledge.
We have Knowledge Organisers for each topic which is then shared with the pupils. Each term, in order to extend the pupils’ understanding of the themes further, pupils aim take part in either an educational visit or have visitors such as theatrical performers, science experts, history enrichment days etc.
We measure the impact of our curriculum by having discussions with children. We ask them about their learning; Who helps them learn? What helps them learn?
Children bring their workbooks to these discussions so they can talk about learning they find hard and what they find easy.
There are tests and quizzes too but talking to children and letting them talk to us about their learning gives us the best picture and really helps identify what we need to do to help them even more.